Valuable insightful information that is worth knowing. Thank you!

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My mother had a similar story.

My mom is 88 years old, has no health problems, walks every day and still plays golf and hikes. She has never taken any flu shot and will never take the covid vax. Her favorite motto is "I don't doctor". In mid-October she didn't feel like eating, she said everything tasted strange and had some issues swallowing, but she didn't have a fever or other flu syptoms. To make a long story short, my sister who lives with her, finally took her to ER ( Las Vegas) because she hadn't been eating for 10 days, only drinking.

She was put on an IV and was waiting to do tests (MRI, etc). The hospital wanted her to do a pcr test (since she wasn't vaxxed) and she said no. Yet, the following day she did because my sister wasn't allowed in her room if she didn't take the test. Well, of course, it was positive (who knows if she just had a cold or the flu, because there is NO diagnostic test for “Covid”). So now the doctor wanted to give her Remdisiver and put her on a ventilator (she was currently on oxygen). I gave my sister the information from the NIH site that Ivermectin is an approved treatment for covid19 (Dr. Ardis talked about it on one of his videos and has a link to it on his site) and not to take Remdisiver or be put on a ventilator. My sister gave the NIH info to the doctor and told him we didn't want my mom taking Remdisiver or being put on a ventilator, and that we wanted Ivermectin given to her and that it was an approved NIH treatment for covid.

That night I bought a plane ticket, packed my bag and I got on an international flight the next morning to help my sister with the hospital's protocol and to get my mom out of the hospital. Meanwhile, the doctor told my sister that they didn't have Ivermectin but gave my sister a prescription for it, my sister was able to get the prescription filled and the next day, got my mom out of the hospital as I had just arrived in LAX and was driving to Vegas to help. My mom took Ivermectin and Zinc Sulfate and had oxygen for a week. She is completely recovered, walking again and feeling great. If it wasn't for me watching Dr. Ardis, I wouldn't have known about NIH's approval for Ivermectin (although I knew about Ivermectin treatment) and what to say to the hospital.

Please tell everyone to carry the "Medical Directive to Physicians" form with them if they go to the hospital (even if they go for something besides covid). And follow Dr. Zelenko's protocol https://vladimirzelenkomd.com/treatment-protocol/ and be prepared with all medications and an oxygen pulse reader and have knowledge of a doctor/pharmacist that will prescribe Ivermectin/HCQ.

We must be proactive and not rely on hospitals.

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What a wonderful story! And, thank you for that valuable information. I hope everyone who reads my article will read your comment, so they will know be further armed with information to ensure their loved ones get the very best care for them, in their particular situation. Fortunately, for my father, by a miracle, it did not get to this point, though he languished for several days in the hospital with COVID, having been admitted COVID free, which was not helpful. I think he had not deteriorated because, precisely, we were following Dr. Zelenko's protocol for a couple months before he took ill.

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My mother had a similar story.

My mom is 88 years old, has no health problems, walks every day and still plays golf and hikes. She has never taken any flu shot and will never take the covid vax. Her favorite motto is "I don't doctor". In mid-October she didn't feel like eating, she said everything tasted strange and had some issues swallowing, but she didn't have a fever or other flu syptoms. To make a long story short, my sister who lives with her, finally took her to ER ( Las Vegas) because she hadn't been eating for 10 days, only drinking.

She was put on an IV and was waiting to do tests (MRI, etc). The hospital wanted her to do a pcr test (since she wasn't vaxxed) and she said no. Yet, the following day she did because my sister wasn't allowed in her room if she didn't take the test. Well, of course, it was positive (who knows if she just had a cold or the flu, because there is NO diagnostic test for “Covid”). So now the doctor wanted to give her Remdisiver and put her on a ventilator (she was currently on oxygen). I gave my sister the information from the NIH site that Ivermectin is an approved treatment for covid19 (Dr. Ardis talked about it on one of his videos and has a link to it on his site) and not to take Remdisiver or be put on a ventilator. My sister gave the NIH info to the doctor and told him we didn't want my mom taking Remdisiver or being put on a ventilator, and that we wanted Ivermectin given to her and that it was an approved NIH treatment for covid. That night I bought a plane ticket, packed my bag and I got on an international flight the next morning to help my sister with the hospital's protocol and to get my mom out of the hospital. Meanwhile, the doctor told my sister that they didn't have Ivermectin but gave my sister a prescription for it, my sister was able to get the prescription filled and the next day, got my mom out of the hospital as I had just arrived in LAX and was driving to Vegas to help. My mom took Ivermectin and Zinc Sulfate and had oxygen for a week. She is completely recovered, walking again and feeling great. If it wasn't for me watching Dr. Ardis, I wouldn't have known about NIH's approval for Ivermectin (although I knew about Ivermectin treatment) and what to say to the hospital.

Please tell everyone to carry the "Medical Directive to Physicians" form with them if they go to the hospital (even if they go for something besides covid). And follow Dr. Zelenko's protocol https://vladimirzelenkomd.com/treatment-protocol/ and be prepared with all medications and an oxygen pulse reader and have knowledge of a doctor/pharmacist that will prescribe Ivermectin/HCQ. We must be proactive and not rely on hospitals.

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