On the 242nd anniversary of Yorktown's siege
... and, the 95th anniversary of Penicillin's discovery, Rep. Comer (R-KY) makes history
“Given the fact their coup is a crime for which they will be held responsible, the Left has adopted a scorched earth policy. They have no alternative other than to win to survive.”
— Col. Andrew P. O’Meara, Author, Liberty VS Tyranny
Today, Col. O’Meara’s daily missive urging prayer partners in the newly minted MacAuthur Society to storm heaven arrived, with the above prescient quote.
“Yes, it is a fight to the death and we must win!,” I replied. “But, with God all things are possible... It seems clear, we are being brought to our knees because, for America to survive, it needs to be a moral nation and we’ve lost our moral bearings, about which I reflect upon in this recent ‘miniature.’”
So, yes “pray always and never lose heart!”
Today is a particularly important day to storm heaven. Fittingly, on this, the 242nd anniversary of the start of the siege of Yorktown, the House Oversight Committee begins their inquiry into what they essentially allege is the selling out of America, which — if, what they allege is proven, and there is no sugar-coating it — is treason.
Ponder this: The selling out of America.
The turning point for me was Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan, where, on July 2, 2021, America turned out the lights and turned over the keys to China. After we had spilled so much blood and treasure — so many limbs lost and brains blown out — to keep Jihad from ever visiting our shores again as it did on September 11, 2001.
That, for me, I wrote Col. O’Meara, “was the signal event.”
And, now with the financial dots being connected, especially yesterday’s revelation, backed, it is asserted, by hard evidence, that, in August 2019, during the presidential primary, when Joe Biden was a candidate for president — some six weeks after then Sen. Harris’s debate slap down of him; and two years before he gave up Bagram — $250,000 was wired from a Chinese national, Jonathan Lee, a member of the Chinese Communist Party, to Biden’s house, at a time when Hunter Biden was living in California, makes today’s hearing an especially historic day.
Now that Cong. James Comer, Chairman of House Oversight Committee, has gaveled in “The Biden Impeachment Inquiry” and presented his allegations regarding the Biden “family’s corrupt business schemes” and Biden’s alleged prevarication “that there was an absolute wall between” his official duties and his family’s business ties — “there were no walls,” said Comer — makes today’s hearing historic in what it promises: An historic ripping off the mask of deceit in what, if all that is alleged is proven to be true, is shaping up to be the greatest corruption scandal in American history in which, as Comer said, “Joe Biden is the brand” that malign foreign interests were buying.
As the third witness, Bruce Dubinsky, a forensic accountant, said, after presciently noting that familiar adage, “Where there’s smoke there is fire,” the question is, is there fire, a great fire, showing the greatest selling out to our enemies in American history, for, by comparison, thirty pieces of silver?
Time will tell. But, I for one, intuit, figuratively speaking, tears rolling down the cheeks of Lady Libery, tears, which, I suspect, will soon become tears of joy, as America is set free, and Lady Liberty’s flame shines brightly once again over America.
One more thing: Fittingly, today, 95 years ago, Scottish medical researcher Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin, the first effective antibiotic. And, now, if my instincts are correct, the infection that has sickened America will be wiped away with sunlight, the best disinfectant.
For a little comic relief, tragedy being the underside of comedy, yet again, with precision timing, the Left just targeted past, and it seems clear, future President Donald J. Trump — (given that he is besting Biden, and by 10 points in the latest ABC/Washington Post poll!) — per Eric Trump’s tweet, with a Judge calling for the dissolution of the Trump Organization. On the very day the shocking news of wire transfers to Biden’s home from China broke.
Yes, “pray always and never lose heart.” Trump with his strong Scottish heritage on his mother Mary’s side, promises to cleanse away the filth and clear away the rot that is bringing America to her knees. But, then, that’s the plan, as we pray our way back to our finest days, chacterized by a renewed sturdy moral base and sterling moral character, where the dignity of work, which Trump understands to his core, brings us back to that “shining city on the hill.”
Mary Claire Kendall is author of Oasis: Conversion Stories of Hollywood Legends, published in Madrid under the title También Dios pasa por Hollywood. She has completed a biography about Betty Hutton, as well Oasis II, featuring six more legends of Hollywood, and is currently writing a book about the life of Ernest Hemingway viewed through the prism of faith due to be published in late 2024.